
GeForce GTX 960

GPU-accelerated LIBSVM を動かしたくてGeForce GTX 960を購入。


CUDA-Z Report

Version: 0.9.231 http://cuda-z.sf.net/
OS Version: Windows AMD64 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
Driver Version: 347.25
Driver Dll Version: 7.0 (
Runtime Dll Version: 6.0

Core Information

NameGeForce GTX 960
Compute Capability5.2
Clock Rate1228 MHz
PCI Location0:1:0
Therds Per Multiproc.2048
Warp Size32
Regs Per Block65536
Threads Per Block1024
Threads Dimensions1024 x 1024 x 64
Grid Dimensions2147483647 x 65535 x 65535
Watchdog EnabledYes
Integrated GPUNo
Concurrent KernelsYes
Compute ModeDefault
Stream PrioritiesNo

Memory Information

Total Global2048 MiB
Bus Width128 bits
Clock Rate3505 MHz
Error CorrectionNo
L2 Cache Size48 KiB
Shared Per Block48 KiB
Pitch2048 MiB
Total Constant64 KiB
Texture Alignment512 B
Texture 1D Size65536
Texture 2D Size65536 x 65536
Texture 3D Size4096 x 4096 x 4096
GPU OverlapYes
Map Host MemoryYes
Unified AddressingNo
Async EngineYes, Bidirectional

Performance Information

Memory Copy
Host Pinned to Device2508.83 MiB/s
Host Pageable to Device1433.22 MiB/s
Device to Host Pinned1552.14 MiB/s
Device to Host Pageable1034.73 MiB/s
Device to Device38.3993 GiB/s
GPU Core Performance
Single-precision Float2712.13 Gflop/s
Double-precision Float86.5304 Gflop/s
32-bit Integer821.532 Giop/s
24-bit Integer602.154 Giop/s
Generated: Sat Feb 07 12:09:00 2015
